Saturday, November 1, 2008

Happy Halloween

Well as much as I love Autumn, the fresh crisp air, the beautiful leaves changing colour in front of your eyes, I really don't like Halloween at all...I honestly don't think I ever did. I remember even as a child not wanting to dress up and look 'silly'. Just one of the many weird sides of me I suppose. I try very hard not to project my dislike of the holiday on the kids though. They genuinely love dressing up (and do on almost a daily basis). We have more princess dresses, super heroes, chef, pirate, king/queen and doctor/nurse costumes than most toy stores! They love it! To be honest, they are adorable when they are dressing up too, I love listening to the role playing they do, its great....

For Halloween this year, instead of traipsing all over town looking for the perfect costume...and to save money...'we' decided that they were going to use something that we already had. They could pick whatever they wanted and if it needed to be fixed a little I would do it (from being used all the time, most of them have little tears here and there). Well here is what they came up with..aren't they just the cutest things!

Dagan and his little girlfriend Hannah!

Harvey, neighbors dog...doesn't look too happy to be a ninja turtle!
Ty very very generously offered to take the kids out in the frigid temperatures this year and I got to stay home! With less than 8 weeks before our newest member arrives, I've been really tired a lot lately. It doesn't take much to wipe me out completely. So, I curled up...well ok I didn't curl up, I stretched out :) on the couch and watched a girlie movie and ate pizza, all by myself! It was a much needed break! The quiet house was wonderful....Thanks Ty!

Last weekend we also got together with some friends and all the 'kids' carved pumpkins...well they drew the faces and the dads carved them...not sure who had more fun!
Emma drawing on her face...

Dagan and Austyn fishing out the seeds so they could roast them...
The finished products...
Happy Halloween everybody, hope it was a good one!


Di's Dooodles said...

Wow they all look brilliant - looks like everyone had a great time & you a much needed rest!

jeany said...

Omg Kelly !!!!!!
The kids look adoreable :):)
The pumkins are amazing :):)


Sandie said...

sounds like you all had a wonderful time! Glad you got to kick back and relax for a while. The kids are adorable. Love the new look blog :)