Tuesday, December 23, 2008

Due date here (and almost gone) but no baby.....

Well I guess technically the baby is 'here' with me she just isn't HERE where we want her! I was so hoping for the baby to be here before Christmas but it sure doesn't look like its going to happen. Today is officially my due date and much to the kid's dismay the fact that it is the 23rd today really doesn't mean anything.....one of the girls asked me this weekend how much longer til I was due. I said well I'm due on Tuesday, she said then what? Well honey then if I don't have the baby on that day then I will be overdue....YOU CAN GO OVER???? Total shock, poor thing! They've been waiting for so long and just can't understand why I can't just push and have her out! they are asking me several times a day (each) has my water broken, I'm not sure that they even know what that means but for some reason that is the question they are stuck on. I guess they know that it means something is going on when it happens. There is no shortage of well wishes and advice too! :o) Today was the last day of school and between today and yesterday I must have had 15 parents or teachers say best of luck and can't wait to hear the news etc.....even Dagan had advice for me.....hold your breath when you push mommy, it helps me when I go to the bathroom.....literally had tears streaming down my face I was laughing so hard! Too cute!!!

Although mentally I'm really ready to be done now, I have truely enjoyed this pregnancy. It has been so fun watching how involved the kids have been, how excited they are and interested in everything. They pray for me every night and for the baby in my tummy, that she is safe and healthy and strong, etc. I get a hug and kiss when they leave for school and each of them give my tummy hugs and kisses and say 'have a good day baby'. They really are so sweet. I'm really looking forward to just how they are with the new little one. I know they will be loads of help, maybe too much at times, but so fun to watch.

I go to the OB at the hospital again on Monday (unless I have had her-they keep telling me I could go at any time...gee thanks!). So far everything has been just fine, scans have all been good so at least I know she's healthy and hope she's not getting too much bigger....I guess we'll see soon.

I guess that's it for now.....Merry Christmas to all!!! Will update again when I have more news...


outofthedark said...

i'll be checking back again soon! just popped in to see if there was a baby announcement...waiting anxiously!

Neasa said...

Best of luck Kelly. Was hoping to read that something was happening!

Di's Dooodles said...

Another one here wishing you luck!!
I was pmsl at you being told to hold your breath lol