Monday, January 19, 2009

Packing and Pictures

Well we are right in the middle of packing up, what seems like, our life into 12 boxes that are 23kgs or less. It is unreal to me that in 3 years we can accumulate so much......well just stuff! Its not good or bad its just stuff and its everywhere!!! It just amazes me. Oh well, we will get it in or we won't, either way a week from now we will be back in the good ol USofA. :o)

A lot of people ask, 'are you excited?' I don't know really what to say, part of me is excited to be home again and the other part is really sad to leave our life here. We are very lucky in the fact that everywhere we've lived we have made such wonderful friends. It would be easier to leave if we didn't like it here or didn't have such good friends. Moving always brings with it a sort of great adventure even though it is a bit sad too. I think once we have more things packed up and stacked by the door it will seem more real and the excitement will set it, for now though all I see are all the 1/2 empty boxes/totes/suitcases and the small piles of things that are waiting to be packed, given away, sold or dumped!

Ok enough of are a few new photos of our newest little one....

Cutest little knitted dress and bag a patient (and mum of a good friend) made for little Meara. Isn't she so cute!!!!! It is so soft and fuzzy too....I think she knows how beautiful she looks!

Our three sweet girls...

Well I guess that's it for post will likely be made stateside....


outofthedark said...

i don't know where i've been....
you are moving BACK to the States?
why, when, etc. etc. etc.
refer me to a past post if you've expanded on this already...if post post.
ps-i love the pic of meara in the leopard outfit...asleep...adorable!

Elisa said...

Hope your move goes smoothly - it is always easier to go home anyway, much less stress involved.

Little knitted dress and handbag is so so cute, the most stylish baby int the world!