Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Revved up Birthday!

For Dagan's birthday this year, we had a great idea (thanks to my very good friend Stacey whose son, almost, shares a birthday with Dagan) of having a Pinewood Derby Race. Well most people here had never heard of such a thing but when we explained it the dads..errr kids, were VERY excited! We asked Ty's mom to please get some 'kits' for us from the hobby store, finding them stateside is easy as every Boy Scout troop across the country does these races every year! Actually they do them so much that it is crazy the things you can get/upgrade your cars with, its amazing!

So Ty set out to making a track for the big race...he along with his three fabulous helpers made this:

And the kids started getting their cars ready, they sanded them, painted them and then we helped them decorate them...

Finally its race day...we (Ty) made the track so that it would fit in the kitchen/dining room since we can't count on the weather here...good thing too because although it wasn't raining it was windy and cold out! He set up the track and of course had to test it out...make sure it worked right!

Mom was visiting during this fabulous day and so she helped me (A LOT) in getting ready. We made the cake and the fairy cakes (small cupcakes) for the party. Instead of just inviting Dagan's friends, we invited the whole family, brothers/sisters/moms & dads too. So we made hamburgers and hotdogs and plenty of snacks for all the racers and spectators! We all had a really good time. I think there was around 30 people in the house, mainly the kitchen and sun room.

Chocolate cake....very yummy!

....just have to test this track for myself!

Race cars awaiting their big moment!
Even the girls got into it!

Honestly I think the dads were WAY more excited about making the cars at first...don't think the kids really knew what it was all about. BUT they must have figured it out quickly because when they all showed up on party day the kids AND the dads were VERY excited!!!
We all had a great day.....and we might just have a part time business started here....renting out that track!

Happy Birthday sweet boy! We love you lots and hope you had a fantastic wonderful day!!!

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