Tuesday, September 2, 2008

Birthday...Baby....& Back 2 School....

We've had so much going on lately, it seems. Austyn turned 6 on Saturday and we had a special day with her, it started with a 7am breakfast of homemade cinnamon rolls and a couple presents! Then after Ty got home from work we went to the Leisure Centre for some video games & bowling. After Austyn beat us all at bowling we had a lovely dinner at a new Italian place in town! It was a nice family day and wonderful way to wind down the summer. (we'll be doing a birthday party with her friends from school in a couple weeks...so watch this space for those pictures too)

School started on Monday and our house was a buzz of excitement! It is so nice for me to listen to the kids' nervous energy as they got ready for their first day! They were genuinely happy to be going back to see their friends and find out who their teachers were going to be this year. When we got to school, all three kids ended up in the same classrooms they were in last year and the girls actually had the same teachers too! That was a surprise for all of us. But, at the end of the day when we picked them up the two girls' classes had actually been rearranged and Austyn now has Emma's teacher from last year and Emma (and Dagan) have new teachers to the school this year. It was a wonderful change for the girls though as all their friends from the last 2 years were in the new classes so they are still together! Needless to say they were VERY excited about that. Dagan still goes home at 2 and when I picked him up, I think he was a little overwhelmed with the day, he didn't say much.....which is SO unlike him! haha He just said, yes it was a good day, yes I like my teacher, I had fun....all very short and direct responses. He fell asleep later in the car so I think it was tiring on him...

Also, last week, we took the kids to a doctor appointment where they got to hear the baby's heart beat! Their faces were fantastic...their little eyes were huge and they grinned from ear to ear when they heard it. The doctor was great, very good with kids, she explained everything she was doing and why she was doing it....what position the baby was in, how big 'it' was etc...they were delighted. Before church last week Ty took this picture of me and my little 'bump'...I was about 23 1/2 weeks or so in the picture.

I have my next appointment at the hospital with the OB on 6th October. The kids are going with us then also and we should be getting a scan so they will be able to actually see what the baby looks like in there and if the baby cooperates we'll find out if we're having a boy or girl. Cross fingers he/she is in a good position and not camera shy!
Ok....well that's all for now....back soon with more pictures and updates on the baby's progress.....


Di's Dooodles said...

looks like a fun & busy time all round.! Bump's looking good - hope it all goes well for you!

eva birdthistle said...

Congratulations girl on da bump :) best of luck!

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